Monday, January 5, 2015

Wand of Gamelon Redesigns 1: Zelda and Impa

So, a while ago, I-- dear God, my inaugural post on Blogger is about Wand of Gamelon... What have I done with my life?
Well, moving along, I decided a while ago that the game Zelda: Wand of Gamelon could use a good reworking, and I'm quite sure you'll be hard-pressed (or should I say WordPressed? Heh... I shoulda made that joke on WordPress...) to find a person who disagrees. With that in mind, I drafted up some redesigns for the characters that I was sure I would use again and got to making a story, starting with just listing everything that was wrong with the initial game (there was a lot). As of this moment, I have designs for Zelda, Impa, Link, Ganondorf, and of course, Ganon, which I'll be posting in just a little bit.

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